
how i spent my friday night...part 1

"And I think you really are beautiful Anna, an amazing person, and I really really do like you. And I hope all of this just works out. So, there are your questions, I finally made the video, bye. "

 It was her twenty-third time watching the video since he made it. However she never watched it from beginning to end until the day he wasn't there. Each time she tried to finish she would laugh so hard she had to turn it off in fear of losing her breath, but today she watched every minute up to the last second. She giggled every time it got to that part however when he smiled at her into the camera to tell her how he finally made the video and good bye, hiding her face in fear someone could see the brightness in her cheeks amongst her Carmel like complexion. She couldn’t tell whether her heart was warm because she was happy, or warm because that was the last time she would feel that warm hug of his in his words and she wanted to hold that feeling forever. She sat there with her laptop in her lap, warming the tops of her thighs letting it burn, while she looked above the screen staring at the cat intensely as it slept on her backpack, lost in thought. The burning of her thighs the only thing that she could feel anymore.  She delves deeper into her thoughts only to remember sweet moments that never happened between them; when he cuddled her to sleep, kissed her when she was crying, and when they went on their first date out for ice cream. Oh how sweet those moments were on the tip of her tongue, and aching on the mind as she tried to avoid the bitter after taste between fantasy and reality.

She shakes as if waking up from a bad dream only to come back to her room and leave the cozy depths of her mind that laid in such a faraway place however the only place she was willing to go to anymore in her laziness and depression. Upon awakening to her bedroom, she stares at the orange triangle at the bottom of her screen leaving her hands in position over the sticky keyboard to type anything that was on her mind even though at the moment she couldn’t think rationally enough to begin a sentence. She let her mouse float her mouse over the button then she right clicking it she felt the button shift beneath her finger and the sobs shift in her throat. She closed her eyes only to remember happier moments but the tears still seeped through. It feltas if the word sob was in her throat. each letter trying to escape s o b. the pain in her chest ached, eventually trying to be strong  became just being honest. Her eyes stung, only thinking to her 'this too shall pass', yet it trotted through so slowly with spiked heavy boots. The piercing a bruises a reminder of how much she screwed up. Eventually slumping over in her depression amongst the piles of clothes she sat on her pedestal of a bed alone, thinking about how much they should be In love right now.