
One Day......Someday, and Today. There's no tomorrow.

One day im going to wake up knowing who I am

One day im going to ride down the streets, smiling just because I can

One day im going to be able to look you in the face because I don’t care what you see inside of me

One day im going to pull my shoulders back when entering the classroom not afraid of what you see

One day im going to not have to capture the flaws that escape me in public because im proud of who I am

One day I going to ring out the very emotions that are on my sleeves, without caring if you’re too wet

One day im going to find someone who will feel warm rainbow jimmies in their tummy, confetti in their hair, and an ache in their smile every single time they see me

One day im going to let the ones who have hurt me brisk by like a cold breeze on my warm leather jacket of security

One day I’m going to hear each sob that escaped my mouth become each laugh that I’ve hidden from their stupidity

One day I’m going to be independent beyond recognition, not even needing oxygen from imagination, and quenched by the thirst for escaping

One day I’m going to jump off the greener side of life into the abyss where so many have broken limbs, and show them that the only difference is that they have green dye up there 
One day….just one day im going to be you

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