
a new thing.....


Smoothe black skin shining in the sun

Tall amongst the sunflowers

ronald’s words numbing and old

Beloved, flowing with the wind

Whisping all worries away

Puzzled to why they split

Red swelled jenna’s cheeks even just hearing ronald’s name

Pleasantly waiting for better days

1 comment:

Bekkie Sanchez said...

I really like this! If you wrote this, you are better than you think. I think you should share this in our community! Until you get better known, people may not comment much but the more you post the more they will. I will come back later and look around some more. Why don't you get a Followers box and add it here so other Blogger people like me can join that way? On my sites I have the box, please join my sites too. If you need links to my sites, check my G+ profile, About Me.