
Lemon Peels

So many people have run out of my life

And they keep telling me he is doing this for a reason

All I can think is…’for what reason?’ I want to know

I want to know why he didn’t make me stop loving people after they tortured me

Why he didn’t take away my feelings, instead of letting them just go numb

Occasionally giving me a quick serge of false feeling nerves

They tell me he loves me and I should rely on him to do all

But this is the same man

Who lets big eyed, loving, hopeless and hopeful, chubby cheeked, little ones

Die every day

The same man who I have to suffer to prove that I love him

They said when life gives you lemons make lemonade

Lemons with no sweet, sour inside just an awful outside peel for me

Curved out into a smile one that says be happy with its sunshine like quality of brightness

Those were the lemon peels that god gave me

Nasty Lemonade but it’s my usual, its mine

My lemonade….Would you like a taste?


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