
time travelers lover.... -vignette

you go and tell me that you're thinking of the past and all i can think is the present is not enough for you. i wasnt in the past and thats whats bothering me! it bothers me that every single time your world starts crumbling down she comes up and apparently she was the only one who understood you while im standing right here in your face catching every soaking  tear and putting ointment on bad wounds. i cant reprimand you as your girlfriend for looking on the past because i do it all the time. but when i do i realize how much you mean to me and how happy i am that you're here. im not going there to escape some grueling reality trust me baby your my reality. when i broke free of that guy who once hurt me you dont think that i dont look back some days and wonder what ifs and whys'? of course i do baby all the time but when i look at you i cant help but wonder if that happened so i could meet someone soo great for my future and i was hoping or so i thought that you were that someone great. however sarah synthia silvia stout is the trash that you put out and i hope im not a replacement band aid only there to suck up your blood and wounds then be thrown away. i thought what we have is something to be treasured and honestly secretly i love how much we dont argue and fight over litttle things. how we are just able to work it out but i think you want to dump me which is what brought this about. so baby please look on the future and not the past for peace because i want to be apart of that future the present is only a tease for what we can be.

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